Well folks my life is drastically different from a year ago, I thought I would document what's new in my life right now and what I am currently involved in.
I'm living in Salem OR with my parents, I am beyond blessed with the privileged of living under their roof. NO RENT! Woohoo! I go to West Salem Foursquare Church and I am loving it! New friends and new family. So blessed by the people God has placed around me there. Salem is so awesome, i love that downtown Salem is within minutes of me, i love how its a "big little city". I love to go downtown, do some devos and people watch :)
I am a Jr. High leader at the youth group, and I think thats the best decision I have made. They bless me so much I cant handle it! They way i have connected with my girls can never be replaced, and every-time we meet our relationships with God get deeper and deeper. I am a blessed person given the privileged to lead such amazing 11-13 year olds. Did i mention the laughing that goes on?! Endless laughing and smiling! And above all they are awesome worshippers!
Along with Youth Group I am the Afternoon Front Desk receptionist/Youth admin/and Pastor Dans Assistant all at the church. I get to do the very thing I am going to school for every day. Learning more about God and serving HIM. I couldn't ask for anything better! I have so much fun at work and I get to do a lot of problem solving which I also love.
I am finishing up my credits at Canby Bible college in the mornings. I just got finished with a semester there and I am a week into a new one. WOW is what I have to say about the body of people who sharpen me at this College. It is a very intimate and growing environment where you are not forgotten. God has blown me away through the professors and classmates in my time there, I am truly honored to be accepted as a student there. This Spring i will be graduated with an Associates of Arts in Theology at Pacific Life Bible College in Surrey, B.C. Canada. Woohoo!
God is my Savior and throughout this year He has proven Himself to me in so many ways. His words are always enough and His words are what got me here to Salem, OR. (the last place i thought i would be!)
When i think back to the year 2010 I will remember these three things:
1. Remember what God has done.
2. When you know the right way to live, you will be miserable living the wrong way.
3. Ministry = Service.
I am so thankful for the work of the Lord.
Come visit me and check it out!
Dear Leah, What a delight you are. I found your blog by accident. I was looking for an oak tree to send my little Haitian boy for his birthday and happily stumbled upon your blog. I know, I know, darling, like can be hard, but you are handling those bumps in the road just the right way: On your knees. This is the verse I was thinking of when I went searching for your tree.Is61:33To grant those who mourn in Zion,
Giving them a garland instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.
So they will be called oaks of righteousness,
The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.
Sincerely, Marion of Gig Harbor, WA a mom of 2 boys and a niece.
I got to warn you; I can't see. When you find errors in the message it is because I am deeply visually challenged. i.e. I meant life not like.
Thanks you so much Marion! I love that verse so much! thank you so much for sharing. I would love to hear more of your story if your would share! I love how you found my blog while searching for an oak tree! I love oak trees so much! God has used them to speak to me and show me new things. God is so great isnt He?!
Bless you!
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