Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Real Fast

Sometimes life gets interesting real fast. And you wonder how it did! right now im filled with giggles, laughing at life, but im also freaked out that it might happen to me. BUt im determined to keep on the straight and narrow and put others feelings above my own. Being in a small bible college things can get real messy real fast when you live in close quarters, but im determined to focus on God and let him take my hand lead me. 

When things get messy you become selfish and focus on what you want other than what you are meant to be. My motives will lay aside all selfish desires and i will only act on God's desires. Sound easy? yeah its defiantly not but i am willing.

Prayer: Lord show me what it means to lay aside my own desires, show how to to love others with a pure love and not a fake stab your back kind of love. Help me to be known for your love and not for what i selfishly want. I am waiting on you Lord, you make all things beautiful in your time. I love you Lord.
-your princess 

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