As i walk through life holding the hand of God, and as i trust God more, my dreams grow bigger. I have these dreams that i think about often, dreams that start as visions from God. As i think about these huge dreams everyday, the thought of knowing that there is someone out there that has dreams that will align with mine becomes evident, but then again having a different view of these dreams. God has placed in me a desire to keep dreaming bigger, and it seems as though i cant stop. These dreams are the same as when i was 5, these dreams are the same as when i was 16, these dreams simply get bigger. God places visions in me that add onto these dreams and guide me a little further. I may not speak of these dreams to often but they are steady in my head being protected until God gives me the signal to make a move.
One day i want my dreams to define me, for God to be known by these dreams. I have allowed God to come into the deep dark places of my heart, to make His love known and to stay. He is my knight and shinning armor, He builds around my heart protection that will defend. He sheds His beauty on me everyday, and everyday i ask for it be revealed. In His daughter he puts visions, visions that she turns into dreams, and dreams that become reality.
I cant help but put that smile on that he has given me.
One day you will here of God's glory being revealed through these dreams.
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