Your voice will be heard,
Through my sinful mouth.
Your love will be felt,
Through my weary hands.
Your salvation will be seen,
Through my weak words.
Your faithfulness will be known,
Through my hesitant actions.
...To all generations and nations.
Thank you Lord that you make me strong.
My calling is known but my destination is a mystery. Where will i land? Or will i land? What land will my God take me? It must be far and it must be wide. These desires and dreams that i do not yet know the details of keep getting bigger. Every time i think upon the Lord, He reminds me of these dreams i feel as though i have not yet grasped. The capacity of my dreams cannot or it cannot fit into my common sense. In the last 2 weeks i have not been able to keep back my joyful tears when i encounter God. I tell you the truth that this love consumes and renews me, i do not lie when i say the presence of God over takes my whole being. I want to shout from the mountain tops how much i adore and love our great God. I cannot stay silent, i know soon God will show me where im going. I know that soon i will be used in a great way. I KNOW because HE told me.
Right know its 12:50 AM, and God will not let me sleep. He said "Spend time with me Leah" and in the last 3 days i have never spent more time with Him in my life! But yet he longs for more of me, more than anyone else does, and by me writing this is spending time with God.
I am so IN LOVE with our creator, i feel as though my veins could explode! ITS an AMAZING rushing feeling, but its only begun! And thats the beauty of God, HE NEVER ENDS. He surprises me everyday, and loves me. My smile is radiant because of Him. But i still always ask the question to God "Is it time yet?" Is it time for the next step? I'm always looking ahead but i should be asking, "Lord how will you use me today?" or "What can i do for you?" Because im ready and willing!
BAH! i could scream, i just want to go! i want to be a part in something HUGE that God wants to do in all the nations! I want to move and keeping moving! What is this destination God has for me? What is the purpose of this restlessness? i know God has me here right now to learn more and be well equipped...but i cant help but yearn for that beginning process to be over and start getting down and dirty with unbelievers. And seeing Souls saved.
How many mountains will i climb until im satisfied? i know that answer to that one... and the answer is i will always keep climbing!
Every time i worship the Lord i get this amazingly joyful, peaceful, renewing image in my head. The vision he blesses me with is this: Me Jesus are in bright purple lavender fields. He begins by walking me, holding my hand to the center of the field. Surrounding us are great mountains that i have never seen before. The air is warm. I am wearing a white cotton dress. As the music begins he offers His hand, and i gently grasp it. As the wind blows and the sun is shinning we begin to dance. He does not take His eyes off of me, he looks at me with love, a burning love. We dance slowly and we dance fast! He has whispered a number of things in me ear. "I will make all things beautiful in my time" "I have made you beautiful" "Show my love." and my favorite :) "I just cant stop thinking about you" This is what i mean when i say our God romances me. And this is why I am such a romantic! Because both my earthly and my heavenly fathers have loved me and romanced me. Making me feel worthy and beautiful. And all i want is for others to feel what i feel. HIS LOVE, HIS UNENDING LOVE! LOVE!
So come dance with us in the fields of grace.
i wish i could say i feel the same way
What is hindering from feeling that what? Can i help in any way?
I'm leah by the way nice to meet you melanie! you are beautiful!
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